Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers terrorist acts on all kinds in the Russian Federation, the most vulnerable mode of transport. And also the comparison of the number of terrorist acts before and after the entry into force of the Federal law "On transport security".

transport, threat, terroristact

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2. Zhurnal "Pravo i bezopasnost´" [Elektronnyy resurs]. / Problemyobespecheniyabez-opasnostigorodskogoobshchestvennogotransporta ot terroristicheskikh ugroz.- Rezhim dostupa: http://dpr.ru/pravo/pravo_19_18.htm - Zagl. s ekrana.

3. Katastrofy [Elektronnyy resurs]. / Krupneyshie terakty v Rossii.- Rezhim dostupa: http://catastrofe.ru/social/terror/57-toprussiateracr.html - Zagl. s ekrana.

4. RIA novosti [Elektronnyy resurs]. / Krupneyshie terakty v Rossii v 2010-2013 godakh.- Rezhim dostupa: http://ria.ru/spravka/20131229/987132908.html - Zagl. s ekrana.

5. Vikipediya [Elektronnyy resurs]. / Terroristicheskie akty, sovershennye v Rossii. - Rezhim dostupa: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D2%E5%F0%F0%EE%F0%E8%F1% F2%E8%F7%E5%F1%EA%E8%E5_%E0%EA%F2%FB,_%F1%EE%E2%E5%F0%F8%B8%ED%ED%FB%E5_%E2_%D0%EE%F1%F1%E8%E8- Zagl. s ekrana.

6. Informatsionno pravovoy portal Garant [Elektronnyy resurs]. / Federal´nyy zakon ot 9 fevralya 2007 g. N 16-FZ "O transportnoy bezopasnosti" (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami).- Rezhim dostupa http://base.garant.ru/12151931/#ixzz3VuoEpjf7- Zagl. s ekrana.

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