Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study of the dependence of the dynamics of change of indicators of the gas transportation system from the power of physical exercise in the athletes of different sports was carried out. It was identified non-linear character of changes at speed - increasing workload, strong and positive correlation with the load power and their relationship at various levels of maximal oxygen consumption. The regression equations derived in the form of polynomials of the third degree, describing the revealed features with a high degree of importance were presented. The coefficients of regression equations define the peculiarities of dynamics of parameters of separate links of the gas transportation system when increasing the load capacity. It was established that representatives of cyclic sports with a high level aerobic capacity for oxygen consumption, in conditions of step-increasing load to the level of maximum oxygen consumption equally optimally functioning links of the gas transportation system, which provides the delivery of oxygen and its disposal at the limiting physical activity at various stages of its implementation in comparison with the representatives of acyclic sports. The obtained results are consistent with survey data of reactive types of oxygen transport systems of the body at a maximum physical load. The authors suggest to using them in evaluating the functional possibilities of the oxygen transport system with subsequent identification of the factors limiting the maximum oxygen consumption at full load.

cyclic sports, acyclic sports, hemodynamics, gas exchange, maximum oxygen consumption, step-increasing workload, regression equation.

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